Feed Additives
Arsanilic Acid

Arsanilic Acid

Arsanilic Acid, CAS: 128470-15-5, Used in chicken feed as an adulticide. It is also effective against heartworm disease in dogs and other helminth infections.


Product Name:

Arsanilic acid (4-Aminophenylarsonic Acid)

Product Number:

CAS No.:128470-15-5

Molecular Formula:


Molecular Weight:

Appearance:White or light yellow crystalline powder, odorless

Fusing Point

Boiling Point528.5℃ at 760 mmHg

Storage Condition

Store in a well ventilated area, keep the container sealed, and lock the storage location
Chemical StabilityStable storage and use under normal ambient temperature

Safety Statement

P264: Thoroughly clean after homework; P270: Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product; P261: Avoid breathing dust/smoke/gas/smoke/vapor/spray; P271: Can only be used outdoors or in a well ventilated area; P273: Avoid releasing into the environment
Hazard Class CodeR23/25: Inhalation and swallowing are toxic; R50/53: Extremely toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects on the aquatic environment

Feed antibiotics can promote the growth of livestock and improve feed efficiency. It has the ability to kill bacteria, protozoa, and spirochetes, mainly used to treat bacterial infections in poultry, and has a growth promoting effect on pigs and chickens. Add 45-90g/t to the feed, with a 5-day discontinuation period
